On Sunday, October 17, there will be an herb study from 2 to 4:00 pm, at Barry Eigen's home. Everyone is welcome to come; you do not have to present or talk and are welcome to listen. This is program is managed by Mary Schwegler so if you have questions or if you plan to attend, please email or text so she can get a proper headcount. If you do not have Mary’s contact info, please contact us here.
Introductory remarks. Revisit: Stimulants and Anti-Depressants v. Tonics and Adaptogens;
How can one herb both stimulate and depress?
Pat Kenny: Let thy food be thy medicine: Ginkgo and phytonutrient foods and herbs
Barry Eigen or alternate: Jo Seller’s materials on Essential Oils/Aromatherapy
Susan McCall: Scented Geranium
Kari Barrett: Camellia Tea and Caffeine
Lisa Faustlin: Schisandra
Closing remarks and planning for remainder of year (Fall/Winter meeting date)